General & Laparoscopic Surgery
Providing innovative products that improve patient outcomes and enable the advancement ofminimally invasive surgery.

Alexis Laparoscopic System
Reduces superficial surgical site infection following colorectal surgeries.Distributes force evenly, potentially minimizing tissue trauma and pain.Allows for visualization of the wound margins.Maintains moisture at the incision site.

Alexis O C-Section Protector Retractor
The Alexis O C-section protector-retractor provides 360 degrees of atraumatic, circumferential retraction and protection during cesarean section. The Alexis O C-section protector-retractor has been shown to reduce scar pain, postoperative analgesics, blood loss, and surgical site infections.

Alexis O Wound Protector Retractor
Alexis wound protector-retractors provide 360 degrees of atraumatic, circumferential retraction. They maintain moisture at the incision site and reduce superficial surgical site infections following colorectal surgeries.

Epix Universal Clip Applier
TiGold clip technology contributes to better clip retention by subjecting the clip material to a proprietary heat treatment process. The advanced clip delivery system offers reliable, smooth device actuation.

GelPOINT Access Platforms
The GelPOINT advanced access platform enables a minimally invasive laparoscopic approach by facilitating the triangulation of standard instrumentation through a single incision.

GelPort Laparoscopic System
The GelPort hand access laparoscopic system allows surgeons to rapidly alternate between hand access, straight laparoscopic technique, and open surgical technique to optimize procedural efficiency and clinical outcomes.

Inzii retrieval systems
They are designed to facilitate specimen extraction through small linear defects. The innovative guide bead makes it easy to reopen and close the bag, while the extra-large opening allows for smooth delivery of the specimen into the bag.

Kii Balloon Blunt Tip
The Kii balloon blunt-tip access system features an innovative gel cone that allows for enhanced instrument articulation while maintaining pneumoperitoneum.

Kii Fios Advanced fixation
Kii Advanced Fixation addresses the many issues associated with migrating trocars, while offering additional benefits to the surgeon and patient.
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Reach out to us today to discover how our medical devices can enhance your healthcare operations. We are eager to assist you in advancing patient care and achieving your organizational goals.